Monday, February 16, 2015

The Things That Matter

The Things That Matter

At the end of the day, the things that really matter can't be bought with gold that is plentiful, enough for everyone, everywhere, even along the Appalachian Trail that used to belong to the people who lived on that land.. today parts of it is  government property and access is regulated and restricted. Rarely anyone finds gold nuggets anywhere, but long golden veins are embedded in the bedrock, extracted and shifted through with machines from ever replenishing layers of magma which is being pushed up through earth's venting system, above the ground and underwater volcanos, causing a chemical reaction when it suddenly cools at a colder air temperature…turns to gold, gasp!  - "Hello Alchemy!" 
What about oil which keeps the planet's  tectonic plates smooth while they continually shift as the planet breathes and expands. We've been told we have only a limited amount of oil because it is a "fossil fuel", a layer from millions of years ago when all dinosaurs and most plantation went extinct. Oh really? 
With a straight face, they are trying to convince what science proves contrary. That there hasn't been mass extensions, wars with weapons of mass destructions, and other even natural cataclysmic events since 63 million years ago?
No, in reality, this has happened many times over and is taking place right now - a dying for another layer of oil for a "non-sustainable, frenzied consumption" of black gold ( that may be some sick twisted humor…but, fluoridating water wasn't my idea either, remember that.)  All the dead bodies, buried in the course of the ages, that have turned prime real estate into a necropolis. Only because the Roman church says their God does not want you to respect and honor your loved one's and realease their attachments  by burning their corpses. Totally nuts! Not only the purifying esoteric reasons but also, burning of rotting bodies was the only practical and sanitary option. Why is the Roman Church so backwards and made Europeans believe something that goes against common sense, as was during the DArk Ages when people were told that bathing was a sin against God, punishable by death. Hence, a breeding ground for diseases and epidemics.

Layers and layers of oil, to support the oil/gold slavery tied to an AI financial system that keeps trading by itself, on itself, with itself and the slaves to the system, try and keep up with, the banskters feeding it while facing the death-spiral down, and the inevitable crash of M1. The prophetic beast that starts eating it's own tail-end knowing what will happen but not being able to control it's greed, and implodes on itself. 
Stop feeding the beast, unplug and walk away. That's all it takes.

They taught us that we must worship diamonds, "you must want them", but why does the value of your flawless solitaire  drops in half, just like the value of a spanking new car, when you walk out the door or drive out of the lot? Neither last forever…fake diamonds, counterfeit cars, making mega $$$ for the sloth.
The diamond market is flooded with fake diamonds, so geniusly cultivated and cut that even the best can't always tell fake from real..mixed with "real diamonds" tainted with blood and suffering, aka "blood diamonds".
If you think the story about cultivated fake diamonds is some crazy conspiracy theory, I'll tell you where it originated. From the horses mouth, a Jewish diamond merchant in the "diamond district" of 47th St. NYC. So...
Stop feeding the beast. Why not real gems and crystals that come in all colors?

What if the masses found out that we are in the middle of a never before documented ( to our knowledge) geo-physical shift due to forces that no one can control, the forces of nature from above and from below, causing a first gradual, and then speeding up magnetic pole shift and the re-alignment with stars. 
Nothing is stagnant in nature, everything is cyclical, or conical, depends how you look at it..
Change is a normal part of life, nothing to be afraid of…change is good, life goes on. Energy can be harnessed magnetically, but which according to laws of physics cannot be destroyed, only manipulated/contracted/released/expanded - and re-focused, taking different form depending on temperature, but never destroyed. 
What if people were told this gargantuan secret no one is supposed to know, yet it concerns everyone? It's getting late as it is becoming impossible to ignore. 
What do you think unaware, comfortably numb people in front of TVs and in shopping malls and financial markets would do? Would they still worry about hoarding wealth? 
Or would they want to spend this fleeting time close to the one/ones they truly love, and like being with? Kinda like the "vibing-on-the-same-frequency-thingies"…and kicking it with like-minded people who support and respect each other. I'd guess it would be the latter wouldn't it? 

Be the change. It's the little things that matter, a smile, and moment-to-moment awareness to a shifting focus towards reality, out of the dark matrix. 

"I wish I knew this when I woke up" (by Suspicious0bservers)


A friend of mine, Paul Collin, wrote the following:

"It is important we do our best for humankind in lieu of seemingly
insurmountable challenges faced while never losing our human-will to
defend our most precious struggles - maintaining decency amidst our
race of beings on Earth and in the heaven above.

Can you see the sunset from your porch? If not, find your sunset with
the one you love the most. For 'this' is happiness on Earth, something
we were meant to be enveloped with all the days of our lives. Nothing
else really matters."

Paul, I love you, and am forever grateful for opening my eyes to things that truly matter in this world. Maybe one day everyone will see it too because few are currently listening..


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  2. I really appreciate that JB!

    I would love to, and intend doing so - one day all of it - a real sci-fi crime drama series. But unfortunately, as long as we live in a world of crazy...everything can be seen from both sides and I’m not keen on sharing everything with the crazy, in a world ruled by crazy, who’ll take it, tweak it, twist it - make it ‘the empirical truth’ and then fool gullible others and and and..that’s the ego-driven reality still unfortunately but, which is soon to change to a more transparent and meritocratic way of living, being and doing things - with utmost respect to others and their privacy - whether the crazy can deal with that or not, that’s their problem. We have endured 500 years witch hunts, on top of 1000 years of never-ending Roman Crusades and brainwashing by the khazarian priest Loyola and the jesuits, systematically destroying all evidence of ancient cultures in Europe and spreading it to all corner of the world. 2000 years of under the rule of Roman blood-thirst and barbarism, 3000 years of Babylonian money and Abrahamic god worship, 6000 years Annunaki false gods...a cycle that began during Atlantis but this time we got it right...with a very much needed goddess energy that both men and women were completely depleted of - I’m the first one to admit it.
    Until freedom from tyranny, porphyryodyssey is ‘not a side project’ but I work with what I can, not-yet-polished TLC work-in-progress.

    Thank you for your support, and trusting me, it means a lot.
    For now, please check back periodically :)


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