Wednesday, March 30, 2016

“We Are Stars. Life Exists Because of Supernovae.”

March 21, 2016

"An international science team led by Peter Garnavich, an astrophysics professor at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, analyzed light captured by Kepler every 30 minutes over a three-year period from 500 distant galaxies, searching some 50 trillion stars. They were hunting for signs of massive stellar death explosions known as supernovae. "

(Trillions upon trillions! of images in/of Deep Space, financed with our tax monies but, not telling us what are they looking at! What's out there? What are they looking for?) 

The Early Flash of an Exploding Star, Caught by Kepler

"The brilliant flash of an exploding star’s shockwave—what astronomers call the “shock breakout” -- is illustrated in this cartoon animation.
This animation is based on photometric observations made by NASA’s Kepler space telescope. By closely monitoring the star KSN 2011d, located 1.2 billion light-years away, Kepler caught the onset of the early flash and subsequent explosion." 


A footnote :

"The idea that asteroids contain water supports the theory that comets and asteroids may have transported water from the outer Solar System to the inner planets, including Earth itself."


The YouTube video above illustrates the birth and sudden leap in evolution of a brilliant Star. A breathtaking visual of what is coming, what is...happening, what is...possible in reality. 
When I watched it, It made me think of what a certain Rimpoche who lived and studied Buddhism in Tibet for 25 years. He explained to me that Tara, was  name of 'the first female Buddha', ie "the first ascended female human", according to their historical texts.
Even more so...I couldn't but imagine "Expanding Terra", our Starship Earth, transcending to a brilliantly shining star along with her voyagers, wayfarers and wanderers who have sufficiently detached themselves from the artificial matrix and are naturally more adaptable to a new way of Being and Doing - physically, mentally and spiritually.
They will receive the gift of Eternal Life, beautiful beings who experienced extreme darkness here, yet regained their consciousness and respect for Life, the innocent children - as well as animals, who are here to teach and remind us about Unconditional Love. Animals, (yes, even the reptiles) are the "original inhabitants" on this miraculous planet, Terra, the Heart of Creation, a photosynthetic bio-lab sustained by Sun, all species living together in peace, with abundant plant life and fresh water. 
It was called "Paradise-on-Earth" once upon-a-time, before the darkness brought it all to the brink of extinction and then....we realized the grave consequences and woke up to what had happened.

The Sudden Natural Evolution of species:

High frequency cosmic particles travel faster than Einstein's speed limit for light, and  therefore, can reach point B from point A instantly, relatively speaking. Subatomic superluminal particles are a proven fact (measured, captured, calculated, observed with neutrino detectors) regardless of beliefs of today's mainstream science and academia of worn-out never-proven theories, irrational tweaked-out formulas and mathematical equations based on ' incompletion' - all scientific theories spoon-fed by the academia collapse at quantum level and become obsolete because they were created around false beliefs and inferior knowledge. that cannot explain - Life.

Scot Aaron's hypothesis of "Spiritual Astronomy with Celestial Cosmology" is fantastically outstanding and ought to be a pre-requisite Astronomy 101 for all!
It draws it's base from the Relativity Ratio of 1:400,000, explains the correction and enables pieces of Cosmos fall into their natural state in relativity.
"Spiritual Astronomy metaphysically harnesses knowledge from science with it's great telescopes and data, to provide a clear picture of Creation and our individual responsibilities to transform Earth to Light" - Scot Aaron, the Author


Ascending Terra/ Expanding Heart

By shifting focus to the center, we re-connect ours Hearts, thaw off the shields of ice and...begin to feel again. Lower frequency ego-based "need to be right and control others" become unattractive because roots are embedded in personal insecurity and innate fear of lack or, not having enough.

Then, one day, you catch your breath, and realize your own I AM presence for the first time...
That's your soul, I AM WE ARE...breathe, consciously...that's where your eternal soul resides

The mighty brain is "just" a magnificent electro-magnetic motherboard and amplifier that receives the signals and put all codes together, processes the data before choosing the command of what to do with "all the input"from your Heart, the thinks and feels based on inner Knowing that supports the intuitive Feeling which stems from your own soul/life experiences.

"Believing is good but Knowing is better", knowledge is the power that expands the consciousness to what is possible. Free Will is what you do with the gift of knowledge.