Friday, February 20, 2015


If only these seemingly very bright journalist/bloggers like Henry Makow, who are researching, analyzing and writing about world political situation, or anything else for that matter, got a better grip on themselves. When you see a massive ignoramus coming out of Makow’s mouth quoting Fulford as “his inspiration” and that “Fulford deserves our thanks."’s just so wrong, and misleading...I give up

Maybe Benji (along with his wingman promoter with pom-poms, Wilcock, spoon-fed by Keenan fraud) thinks that no one will remember what he's done, that the lies that affect others' lives can be shoved under the rug and play pretend, like everyone else does, as if it never happened - well that’s not 

t r a n s p a r e n c y, h e l l o !! We are talking about TRANSPARENCY based on truth, as in "coming clean". Are they hoping to slip between the cracks…on the backs of the others? "free-ride for all" - all the way to 5D! Hardly...(that's the typical archon program…some other time)…it's a personal responsibility. 
Oh he's the white dragons? O I C! It says "white", so it 'must be good", oh, ok, sorry, skip along to happy days. 


Until disinformation as news stops, even if it's "unintentional"/"unintended"/"unwitting", there's no need to wonder why the world is a shit hole based on debased values. Go ahead, keep listening to your gurus’ bullshit - greed rules - money and power and porno and drugs, while all decency and god-like values like respect, trust and honesty, are stripped in favor of iniquity and subversion - and the masses love it! They want it TOO!  
They want trans-fat, trans-human, trans-national, trans-gender, trans-formation…trans-fixed is the flavor of the modern society, and the blind masses eat it up without having a clue! The masses are conditioned to love “dirty” without even realizing it is very dirty indeed, and then it may be too late, and “nothing happened” as they never woke up in the first place. Why can't we just go back to what was real..before “all that trance”? If only there was that magic switch that turned everyone’s lights on...

The transient world we live in…and Benji is "our inspiration"…ok
I'll take  anything that's not "politically correct", spoon-fed by Tavistock and Esalen and other think-tanks for experiments on human behavior, that mould the opinion to the liking of the globalists, like, "we are all one" slogan! "No we ain't, don't get it twisted, I ain't like Benji, and we going separate ways because my God is not like his." 
“Unity” - without creative human-like individuality - is what the DNA-modified, implanted and cloned small greys and grey-human hybrids are, "unity" - failed, synthetic-organic creations of the dying breed of Tall Greys "from the future" - hive-minded to think alike, plugged into AI and exist without questioning authority of any kind, and without emotions, because that’s all they know...unity in the name of communal communism, where ALL is the same. No thanks, but by all means, go ahead, go for it, if that’s your cup of tea.

And no worries, I'm sure the feeling would be mutual anyways…everyone wants to be with like-minded, unique people and all of 'this world' gets checked at the door, and scrutinized, in order to be part of…
'my new world', life outside of the artificial matrix - and the best part is that "over there", space is vast and infinite, and we never have to cross paths again, or fight over space…wheew. 
Good luck with your idols and these despicable international fraudsters, still mired in a program that doesn't compute that gold, or money, won't buy anyone's way to salvation… was a lie that the vatican concocted - or a seat in a bunker or anywhere else. 

((((((11:11)))))) Dare hit that snooze again.

Because there's absolutely nothing anyone mortal can do anything about the forces of nature. It will be a bitch for the ones still deep in unconscious oblivion, when they can't deny that everything they thought was wrong, all at once…been trying roughing people up and go "wake the fuck up, pay attention" but, many don't…well that's their free will, no harm done. My awakening was, rough, way more than a slap but, that's what it sometimes takes for a stubborn ego, a complete shake-up and detachment of everything what was, as if a preparation for the wake-up of so many in 2011-12. As if, can you handle the falling chips? are you able to put the pieces back together when you see the truth for the first time, like -  that the god you thought created you, didn’t? That’s a real brain twister to those who are still stuck in the matrix of history based on religion.

About 7 years ago, my house of cards began collapsing and the rug got yanked from underneath my feet. That's when Pluto started rocking my wheel of life, aka svastika, in my natal chart by making exact aspects to four personal planets at a same degree. Astrologers say that Pluto transits are never over because it changes the course of your life and nothing will ever be the same again, I concur, one hundred percent. So the good news is I woke up, the bad news is if all of it was dumped on me at once, I wouldn't have been able to handle it, either - because with the good and the beautiful, came the bad and the ugly - but today see the difference, and know what I don't want and I will never forget either, ever again, what happened here. Even if only a distant memory but ALWAYS accessible to me, if I need a reminder of what happens when the Neantherdal me-me-me greed and the fear of lack of time, space and money takes over humility and kindness - apathy, despair and destruction.

But if you for a minute think that defrauding people and plagiarizing and stealing other people's work is something new, think again:

"Einstein was a FRAUD"

Albert Einstein, a young patent clerk and a supporter of communism (which squashes all individuality), became one of the most preeminent brains, or mouthpieces, in modern physics, ergo he was a gatekeeper, who became a sell-out, while trying to understand physical laws with mathematics (logic) only, like a computer. 
He gave humanity the cosmic speed limit of "speed of light", which negates the invisible higher frequency light which can travel much much faster than "speed of visible light"…..oh yeah…instant inter-dimensional travel just became possible didn't it? Especially when Newton's 500 year non-sense theory of gravity is thrown out the window as well, as "the old way of thinking”, before electricity.

Ever heard of Victor Schauberger? No? He's that guy who invented the first anti-gravity flying disk, who didn’t sell-out and whose work was then confiscated and kept a secret - same with Tesla, the names of the great, erased from school books by the Rockefellers, "who bought the rights to world history" in 1948. 
Imagine that? No wonder we know nothing. Orwell's "1984" was published the same year - as a warning. 

Einstein's masters did not want anyone on this planet to know the truth, and decided that EVERYONE on this planet must be indoctrinated with Einstein's laws of physics, and distract attention from the truth with nonsensical, incomplete disinformation that follows the most pathetic human trait - deceit.
And seven decades later, the word "einstein" (one rock), equals genius, after a scientist who worked on nuclear weapons, assisting in mass murder of millions of innocent people, and destroyed the planet and fucked up our biosphere…I give it to you, Mr Einstein, you have the best quotes! My favorite has always been:
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." 

Even used to have a large-sized framed poster of it. And now I'm thinking that he might have been speaking of himself, right under our own eyes.

The Judgement Day is nothing to "woo-woo" over, it is the time in everyone's life when we must face and sort out every deed you committed here, good and, oh yeah, the bad too - and come to terms with your own doing ("working out karma" to be re-born). It’s a waste of energy to try and control others by focusing only on someone else, which is always easier…but for once, check yourself first, you, the numero uno, that which no one else can do for ya. The whole disclosure is inevitable but many won't look though, or can't handle it…“nothing will ever happen” if you stay asleep.

Already couple of years ago, I read that the planet is slowing down and what used to be 24 hours, was comparable to 16 hours then. I would think this is why everything seems to be happening faster, because it is - theres less time, as if "compressing and converging". Well, isn't that what everyone is saying? That we are at the process of merging of timelines, or would "segmented parallel realities" be more politically correct? Where no one is "left behind"...everyone is given an opportunity, during this time of grace, to get their ducks in order and consciously start creating the reality for themselves and choose wisely by using the newly acquired tools of knowledge and applying critical and rational thinking, mixed with intuition and imagination - for the “zero point” (not absolute zero) consciousness where anything is possible -> instant manifestation when you are ready and understand how to live and respect life. 
The truth is what's in your heart, it send electric signals to the synopsis in the brain and chemically react certain way (that's another subject in itself) and further project that "mind's eye" out through the lenses of two eyes..not the other way around. Creation begins in the heart, processed in the brain and perceived in the outside. "It's in the eyes of the beholder".
So was the chicken or the egg first? Is seeing believing or is believing seeing? Maybe the truth is somewhere in between. As this is the eternal question no one in 4D can tell for certain, so why worry about things beyond. Take a deep breathe…and exhale…that's where magic happens, in the present.

Peace of Mind baby, peace of mind, is what's on top

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